Valley Villas’ Circle of Love Christmas Tree is adorned annually with special ornaments and strings of lights in honor or memory of loved ones. For a $5 donation, anyone may reserve an ornament to remember a departed friend or family member or to honor a friend or family member. For a donation of $25, individuals may reserve an entire string of lights in recognition of a loved one.
All members of the public and media are invited to join us for the lighting of the Circle of Love Christmas Tree on Dec. 12, 2024, starting at approximately 5 p.m. on Valley Villas’ patio. This is a special event where we gather to honor and remember all those we have known and continue to cherish. A short program in which all names of loved ones will be read will be followed by attendees’ singing of Christmas carols.
All proceeds will enhance Valley Villas’ tenant life enrichment programming.
No RSVPs are required. For more information about this event or Valley Villas, contact Housing Director Tammy Brunkhorst: 715-778-5535 or