Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network Results

We are extremely proud to share our Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network scores. The Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network is comprised of three states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The network is contracted with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS), which is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They evaluate National Quality Forum-endorsed long stay quality measures that represent systems in the long term care setting. These include categories such as falls with major injury, pain, incontinence, catheter, weight loss, and depression, among others. They gather composite scores for each category and the lower the score, the better the organization is doing.

Our facility has a set target for our composite scores and we are proud to announce that we have achieved our target in all categories for the last six months! We are also scoring better than BOTH the Western region, which we are a part of, and the state composite scores! We have stayed very consistent with our scores the last six months, which is something to celebrate as it can be very hard to do. Our staff have done an outstanding job and these scores wouldn’t have been made possible without them so HUGE thank you to our wonderful staff members.

For more information about the Lake Superior Quality Innovation Network, please visit their website: